Saturday 11 October 2014

Can the kiwis take out Bathurst?

Can the Kiwis take out Bathurst?

Analysis of article from Sports Marketing and Management Perspective:
Kiwi Driver Fabian Coulthard has set a new lap record at Bathurst when the kiwi drivers dominated qualifying. Fabians record breaking time was 2 minutes 5.608 seconds, with Shane Van gisbergen following a 10th of a second behind him.  Fellow kiwi Scott McLaughlin was also placed in the top five at qualifying.
Could this mean more interest in the race from this side of the Tasman? Bathurst is a massive event for petrol heads across New Zealand and Australia, but could knowing that the kiwis stand a chance in this race improve viewing numbers and attendance at the event?
The Bathurst 1000's main sponsor being 'Supercheap Auto' is perfect for the event, as most of the viewers and fans of the event, will no doubt shop at supercheap at some point or another, considering this is a motor sport event, it's likely that car enthusiasts are going to be interested in the event. The event is well advertised on television, which is getting supercheap auto's name out there as well as their name being on all the advertising, signage around the event, naming rights etc. There is no lack of advertising of the event as it is advertised frequently coming up to the event, to remind people when it's happening, where they can watch it etc.
 As well as event sponsorship, each racing team is also sponsored by a number of different businesses and people. The race teams give back to the sponsors by depending on the level of sponsorship, putting their logos on the car, mentioning them in their 'thank you's'  and racers will have the company logos on clothing that they will probably be wearing during interviews on tv etc. The drivers are also representing their sponsors at all times, so good sportsman ship is a must to gain sponsors and keep a good impression to the public and possible future sponsors.  
There are many types of management around the event, overall event management and then each individual race team will have their own management team.  During and before the event management will need to be on top form making sure that the car and race team is up to standards and have a chance of competing in the event.  Performance management in this case would include the mechanics and pit crew who are constantly watching and monitoring the cars and drivers  to tell them how they're doing, what their opponents are doing and how the car is performing and if and when they need to make a detour to the pit lane.

 These are a tiny few of the aspects of marketing and management  for event staff and individual race teams during the Bathurst 1000.

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