Sunday 12 October 2014

Low blow from Beale

Low blow from Beale 
Analysis of article from Sports Marketing and Management Perspective:

Kurtley Beale has sent a Wallabies official an offensive photograph and text messages. The string of text messages between Beale and business manager Di Patterson is now the subject of an independent code of conduct hearing to determine Beale's rugby future.

As far as self management goes, Kurtley Beale is lacking in that area after hugely disrespecting a member of wallabies management recently and now his playing future could be out the door.
Wallabies management and the international rugby board and conducting an investigation into the incident, and his management team will not be taking this lightly.

Kurtley's sponsors will be humiliated by the events that have been uncovered, and will no doubt be terminating their sponsorship deals. This event has also brought bad media coverage to the rest of the wallabies team who haven't done anything wrong and are suffering because of someone else's bad mistakes.

This event has been put all over the internet and the news so it will be hard for him to recover from this especially if his rugby career is ruined because of it. It will also be hard for the Wallabies to let him return to the team when he has been so disrespectful to a member of the management team who is constantly helping the team and Kurtley. If he returns to the team it could put Di Patterson in a really uncomfortable position.

Kurtley will have to work on his self management if he is allowed to return to the team as he is a role model for a lot of younger rugby fans including ones who are old enough to understand what he's done and how wrong it is.

The management team will be keeping a close eye on him from now on and he will have a lot of grovelling to do.

This has been a management perspective of the Kurtley Beale drama.

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